On the docket for tonight: Easy Meat Recipes circa 1946.

Easy Meat Recipes (1946) cookbook

This little promotional cookbook is a gem. The colorful and all-around adorable mid-century illustrations on the cover were more than enough to convince us that is was worth $0.10 to take it home!

It did not disappoint. Inside its jam-packed 40 pages are a mix of recipes, diagrams, charts, and yes more illustrations.

The recipes as the title indicates focus on meat and are grouped by cooking method (roasting, broiling, braising, etc); but it also peppers in sides like stuffing and sauces along the way.

There is also a slim selection of pastries (biscuits and pies) and fried food to round out your meat -focused dinner in the last chapter.

The interspersed meal plans are a treat.

This one is for Easter:
Meal Suggestion - Easy Meat Recipes


As is the centerfold “Meat and What To Sere with It!” table with suggestions for pairings.

Meat and what to eat with it...


It also provides tables of cooking times by weight, suggestions for cuts, and illustrated carving guides.

We were impressed by the quality and quality of the content in this little volume. We feel like we quite literally got our $0.10’s worth of information and enjoyment.

Now to the real work: recipe testing. To be continued….


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